


Roger Ruan, Professor, Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering, Department of Food Science and Nutrition, UMN, [email protected]

As the PD, Dr. Ruan is responsible for coordinating administrative logistics, including implementing sub-contracts, filing of project reports, and management of financial resources. As a PI, he will oversee the technical direction and integrity of the project. He will lead the efforts on designing, developing, and testing IPL systems.




Paul Chen, Associate Research Professor, Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering, UMN, [email protected].

As a co-PD, Dr. Chen will assist the PD in managing the project and facilitating communication among the project team members. As a co-PI, he will be responsible for running experiments using the IPL systems in lab and on site. He will work closely with team members and ensure their activities involving the use of IPL systems are carried out seamlessly. 



David Baumler, Assistant Professor, Department of Food Science and Nutrition, UMN, [email protected].       

As a co-PI, Dr. Baumler will be responsible for research activities to evaluate the germicidal effects and mechanisms of inactivation of IPL under different conditions.






Zata Vickers, Professor, Department of Food Science and Nutrition, UMN, [email protected].

As a co-PI, Dr. Vickers will be responsible for sensory evaluation of IPL treated food ingredients and products.       





Chi Chen, Associate Professor, Department of Food Science and Nutrition, UMN, [email protected].

As a co-PI, Dr. Chen will be involved in the characterization of the chemical and physical properties and nutritional values as affected by the IPL treatments under different conditions. 




Joellen Feirtag, Associate professor and Food Safety Specialist (extension), Department of Food Science and Nutrition, UMN, [email protected]        

As a co-PI, Dr. Feirtag will be the lead for the extension component of the project. She will lead and coordinate the extension activities. She will also serve as the key liaison between the team and advisory board.